
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nokia Lumia 830 | Windows Phone 8 OS

Nokia Lumia 830: 

Here’s something completely out of left field. Photos from China allegedly show off the new Nokia Lumia 830. If this report is to be believed, the Nokia Lumia 830 will come in 5 colors and despite the higher number, it is considered below the Nokia Lumia 820 in the Nokia Lumia line-up, in terms of specs and features. With very little to go by other than the photographs, we will be keeping our ear to the ground, hoping to find out some more information on the Windows Phone 8 device. Hopefully we will soon find out specs, pricing and availability.

Nokia Lumia 830 Features And Specifications:

Going by its name, one may think that the Nokia Lumia 830 may feature higher specifications than the Lumia 820. However, the report states that this is not the case, and the Lumia 820 is positioned just above the Lumia 830. As of now, nothing is known about the Lumia 830 except for the facts that it will come in a range of colour options, and will feature the Windows Phone 8 operating system.


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