
Monday, February 4, 2013

BlackBerry 10 N-Series | Features Specs Review

BlackBerry 10 N-Series: 

The BlackBerry 10 N-Series hasn’t since seen the light of day, until today. Purported images of the BlackBerry 10 N-Series have made their way out. From what we can see, the N-Series will sport a straight keyboard versus a curved one like the Bold series. How do you think it will be like to type on? Can you imagine trying to get used to an entirely new BlackBerry keyboard design?

BlackBerry 10 N-Series Features And Specifications:

The full video had been available just a little earlier (apparently due to its editor mistakenly making it public), but it looks like RIM got on top of things, as it’s no long accessible. Even with that gone, its screenshots do a great job showing-off the N-series. Even with that rather large 720 x 720 display, the phone clearly keeps to a very traditional BlackBerry form factor, which could be key to keeping users interested in the platform as it transitions to BB10.


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